Saturday, May 26, 2007


Every defender should have a hobby. It should ideally be something as far removed from the practice of law as possible -- something that takes the mind off the practice. I'm fascinated by the things that other people find fun. Here are some of the things that my fellow Houston defenders do:
Fly airplanes; Jump out of airplanes; Golf; Surf; Climb mountains; Shoot guns; Ride motorcycles; Hunt; Bicycle; Play guitar; Play croquet ("the serious stuff, not the rinky dink stuff you get at a sporting goods store"); Play conga drums; Digital photography; Run; Trick roping; Cowboy mounted shooting (I think it has something to do with horses); Play harmonica; and Collect baseball cards.
Here's a picture of me practicing my chief hobby: What are your hobbies? Drop me a comment and let me know what I've missed.


Anonymous said...

1964 Austin Healey BJ8. Wanna race?


Anonymous said...

Oh, let's see... I love glassblowing, and you can see a few photos of my work here. I cook and enjoy food photography and keep a food blog, Habeas Brulee. I make jewelry, I have a few circus performance skills, and I plan to improve my stilt-walking this summer. True happiness for me would involve finding a blacksmithing class in NYC.

Mark Bennett said...

Scott, that's a beautiful car. Do you work on it or just drive it?


The photos are way cool. I especially like the blown sugar bubbles -- a melding of cooking and glassblowing.

It's not in NYC, but The Steel Yard in Providence isn't far from you (at least, in Texas it wouldn't be far). (I got the URL from Make Magazine's article on The Crucible in Oakland.)

Anonymous said...

For a New Yorker, Providence is far! You have a very different sense of scale out in Texas than we do here, I think.

Anonymous said...

I like to read and play sports. I also like long walks on the beach and candle---

oh wait, this isn't a personals ad :)

Tennis is my hobby.

quash said...

In-line hockey. It's a no-check league but I still get to bump a bunch and work off some aggression.